We Are In This Together

When I was 32, I weighed 350lbs. I had been overweight my entire life, but this was the heaviest I had ever been. It was agonizing to look in the mirror & consider where my health would be in the next 5 years…

I knew something had to change, but a lifetime of restrictive diets & constantly stepping on the scale had done nothing for my wellbeing OR long term success.  

Hitting this low point made me realize how connected my emotional wellbeing was tied to my physical health & I started developing a revolutionary weight loss program I now call “Be Weightless

This is what going Weightless did for me:

  • Dropped 6 dress sizes in less than a year

  • Developed confidence in my appearance & abilities

  • Healed my relationship with food, my body & my family

I have taken 20+ years of weight loss experience & curated it into Be Weightless to help other women find freedom from stigma & freedom from the scale, just like me.

Embark on Your
